If this were a question I was asking my students, I would tell them to slash the trash. Get rid of the answers you know are not true - the ones that are completely ridiculous. In this case, however, slashing the trash would mean getting rid of the correct answer. Yes, it's currently January 7 and the weather outside was perfect. Perfectly confusing. How often do you get to throw open the windows and let the breeze blow through your house in JANUARY? I was telling Nathan that tonight should be a grilling night. Of course, because it is still January and in the always-befuddled state of Virginia, the daytime temperature may be three degrees shy of 70, but the temperature that comes with night will be close to freezing. Not to mention this week has been mind-blowing with the highs and lows. Just four days ago I was wearing my rabbit-trimmed bomber hat and carrying a blanket out to recess because it was 37 degrees at 2 pm.
While I enjoyed the weather today, I still can't help wishing for snow. Every morning when I watch the news I'm eyeballing the extended forecast looking for any sign that wonderful white fluff might be heading our way. There's not even been a hint that the conditions could be possible. My mother-in-law says the farmer's almanac is calling for a big one January 31. I'll keep my finger's crossed for that.
So now for the customary reflection on days-gone-by, also known as the year 2011. Also also known as The Year of the Wedding. It was a tremendously good year for us. We had the perfect wedding and reception, thanks entirely to our wonderful family and friends and I had a smooth transition to being a Vaughan AND a Harris. Nathan and I traveled our of country for the first time ever and together to Antigua for the best honeymoon ever. We made it back safe and sound (although barely) in time to celebrate the Fourth of July with friends, and then one month later we adopted our Atlas, the most awkward, endearing dog I've ever met (besides Gisele, who is really the most beautiful, michievious dog. They've earned different titles). Essentially, 2011 was the year we became the Harris Family.
Insert picture-perfect family portrait here:
Ok, so we don't have one of those yet, but I do have one with half of our family
Speaking of Atlas, that little turkey is almost seven months old. It's so hard to believe he was a "tiny" 17-pound pup when we got him at three months. At last weigh in last week, he was 113 pounds. The scary thing is he still has a lot of growing to do! While he is a giant monster, I am excited to see how big he really will get. Someone said to us he is a "conversation piece" because anyone who comes around him will want to talk to him or will talk about him. We took him to PetsMart last weekend and as we were walking in, a family with a little girl was walking in to. The man asked the little girl if she wanted to ride the pony. Haha!
2011 will be a hard year to top, but we are very eager to see what 2012 has in store for us. Happy New Year, y'all!
You make me jealous...