
Friday, January 3, 2014

Height and Weight: Ehhh. I don't know? We really don't check on his weight and height except for during his well checks. The next one isn't schedule until March, so until then I'm left to my own estimation (which, for the record, is terrible.) BUT, if I had to throw a number out there... let's go with 19 lbs. No clue about the height, but I can tell ya he's certainly not getting any smaller.

Accomplishments: Finn is officially a sitter. You can plop him down anywhere and he'll SIT there. He's still a teensy bit wobbly, but he's got to start somewhere. He's also working SO HARD on crawling. He can get himself on all fours and then starts to rock. I know it's only a matter of days before he's truly mobile.

Sleep Habits: Sigh. Still fairly predictable but a few bad nights have been thrown in for good fun. He goes down between 7-8, and is up for the day between 7-8. The issues have been surfacing in the middle of the night. Some nights he wakes and starts to play for an hour or so. Others, he wakes seeking attention. Hoping it's just a phase that passes soon.

What's in His Belly: So much more than at six months. Finn has made his love for fruits well known. He also is not a fan of green vegetables. Or carrots. Really, the only veggie he's currently gettin' down with is sweet potato. And isn't that technically a root? He's loving pears, prunes (GROSS), bananas, sweet potatoes, and oatmeal. Not impressed with peas, green beans, carrots, zucchini. We're workin' on it.

Best Moments:
Without a doubt, Christmas. How much fun is Christmas with a seven month old? Like, a lot. Finn was such a trooper throughout both Christmas Eve and Christmas (naps? What naps?). In typical baby fashion, he showed way more interest in wrapping and tissue paper than any of the gifts he received. Our living room now looks like Toys 'R Us headquarters. What do we do with all of it?

Also, thought  he was sleeping, when the clock struck midnight on New Year's Eve, I quickly ran up and looked at the best thing that happened to me this year. Awww. That one gave you a cavity, didn't it?

Worst Moments:
As a mother, I could easily have put one of this month's "worst' moment in the best category, but I don't wish to be cruel. On December 21, Nathan, Sarah and I took Finn to see Santa at Bass Pro Shops. We got there at 5:00, and they were giving out tickets for the 8:30 slot, which, if you're keeping up, is way past the bedtime of the Finn. Fortunately, we must have had the first-time-parents-what-the-hell-is-going-on-here look about us, because the lady at the counter slipped us a 6:30 ticket instead. She was an angel. Waiting in line was easy. Finn smiled at anybody who wanted to look his way. He did this up until the minute I put him in St. Nick's lap. That kid took one look at Santa and promptly burst into sobs. Click, click. I scoop him up after the picture and whaddya know. He's all smiles again. Whatever. At least it makes for a good picture.

Ok, and for the real worst moment award. I had put Finn down for a nap one afternoon, and as he sometimes does, he was playing around in his crib. I didn't have the monitor with me because I could hear up the stairs. I heard Finn talking, and then I started hearing a whacking noise. It took me a minute to realize that there was nothing in his crib that could be making that noise, so I walked up the stairs and found that Finn had somehow maneuvered the cord from the monitor camera into the crib with him and was flinging it all around. He was beyond thrilled with himself. Don't worry. We fixed that immediately.